What to Post on Social Media ?? 100 Post Ideas

Figuring out what to post on social media can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

Social media post ideas are one of those things that seem easy, but when you sit down to post it suddenly becomes very difficult and can feel overwhelming.

If you’ve ever struggled with what to post on social media or you’ve felt uninspired and desperate for a fresh idea of what to post on social media, you’re in luck!

I’ve created the ultimate list of what to post on social media.

This list is complete with 100 content ideas of what to post on social media and each idea includes examples to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Before and After Everyone loves a good transformation. Your before and after photos can be as simple as cleaning up your desk or as elaborate as sharing your weight loss journey. The transformation you share can be personal or related to your business. You could share before and after photos of your website redesign or your revamped branding. Or, if you’re a nutritionist you could share before and after photos from cleaning out a clients’ refrigerator.

2. Get Handsy Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you start touching strangers. Get handsy means you take a photo holding an object in your hand. It’s super simple!  

Get handsy photos will work with just about anything! A cup of Chai or Coffee , a product you sell, a glass of wine, a piece of fruit, etc. Just make sure you take the photo against a plain background.  

3. Unboxing Video Unboxing videos are all the rage on YouTube and they can work great on other social platforms as well. If you’ve never seen an unboxing video it simply shows someone unpacking a product. Unboxing videos work best for electronics and kids toys, but they can work for any product.  If you sell handmade lip balm and have a personalized touch to your packaging, highlight that with an unboxing video.  Or maybe you’re a network marketer or an affiliate for essential oils. Create a video unboxing a starter kit and highlight all the oils that are included. 

4. Screenshot For a screenshot post, you just take a screenshot of text you want to highlight and post it to social media as an image.A screenshot image is a great way to repurpose text-only posts from Twitter, but you can screenshot any text.  You could screenshot an Instagram DM or a Facebook comment from a customer raving about your business. 

5. Demo or Screen Capture  A video demonstrating something is a fantastic way to position yourself as an expert and provide exceptional value to your audience. You could create a video demonstrating how to use a certain product related to your business or you could record your computer screen while you demonstrate how to perform a certain task or use a piece of software. 

6. Friendly “Selfie” I place selfie in quotes because you’re not actually taking the photo, but these photos feel like a selfie. They are very personal and intimate photos of you that make your followers feel like they’re part of your life. This works insanely well for massive influencers and Instagram celebs, but friendly “selfie” photos can work for small business owners as well. And don’t worry. You don’t have to put your personal life on display.  You could share a photo of you standing at the water cooler in your office that looks like you’re having a friendly conversation with your followers.

7. Caption Request Share an interesting photo asking your followers to comment with their funniest or most creative caption.Not only are these type of posts entertaining, but they are an excellent way to spark engagement.

8. Go Behind the Scenes Give your audience a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes of your business and share a photo or video of you hard at work. This could be in your office, on location for a project, or at a trade show or special event.

9. Changeable Letter Sign These photos are fun to create and the possibilities are endless. First, jump on Amazon and get a changeable letter sign or lightbox. Then, put a funny saying or inspirational quote on the sign and take a photo.

10. Sneak peek Give your audience a sneak peek of what you’re working on. Share a screenshot of your computer, take a photo of a new craft or recipe you’re creating, record a short video touring the home you’re about to list, or create an Instagram story sharing updates from the conference you’re attending.Create a sense of excitement for what’s to come!

11. Make a Statement Do you have a t-shirt, coffee mug, or other item with a fun quote or saying on it? Take a photo of it and share it on social media. Make a statement posts are easy to create and they promote positive vibes and lots of “likes.”

12. Flat Lay Creating a flat lay image is as simple as arranging items on a flat surface and taking a photograph of them straight from above.The flat lay is huge on Instagram and you can flat lay anything – it’s not just for food and fashion. If you’re a real estate agent, flat lay the tray of cookies and your business cards in the home you’re showing. BE THE EXPERT

People want to follow social media accounts that provide them with value. You can provide value by being the expert and sharing actionable tips and advice. These type of posts work well as video content, but if you’re not comfortable on video make sure you include a photo with your posts to get more engagement.

13. Industry Article Share an educational or informative article related to your niche topic or industry. This post idea works particularly well for LinkedIn and Twitter. 14. Answer an FAQ Answer a question you tend to get asked a lot. If a few people have asked the question, more than likely there are more people in your audience who will benefit from the answer.

15. Ask Me Anything (AMA) Make a post announcing that people can ask you anything for the next 30 minutes. Oftentimes an open-ended AMA results in no questions so get the ball rolling and give your audience a specific topic or a sample question they can ask. This also works great as a Live video broadcast and you can answer people’s questions in real-time.

16. What’s Working Now Share what’s currently working well for your customers or your business. For example, if you’re a real estate agent, share a new home staging technique that’s working well to sell homes. If you’re a Mom blogger, share a new activity idea or discipline method.

17. Featured Expert Share an article, podcast, video, TV show, industry event, etc. where you were featured as a guest expert or speaker.

18. Award Winner Share an award or accolade you or your business has received. For example, “I’m so honored to be named to Dubai's Top 40 Food Blogger.”

19. How-To Video Share a video detailing the steps on how to do something very specific that appeals to your ideal customer.For example, if you’re in the wedding industry share a video showing how to create a photo booth on a budget for a wedding reception.The video doesn’t have to be your own, but make sure you give proper credit and tag the video creator.

20. Live One-on-One Coaching This post idea actually generates multiple posts! First, make a post offering to give a free live coaching session to one person who comments on the post. You can give them free advice, conduct an audit, answer questions, etc. Then, select one person, schedule the broadcast, and promote it with additional posts to encourage your audience to attend. Once you go live, the broadcast will get lots of engagement and provide tons of free value to your audience.

21. Common Mistakes Share a mistake you typically see your customers or competitors make. Provide a tip on how to avoid this mistake and if it’s regarding your competitors explain why your company is different.

22. Industry fact Share a fun fact about your industry or niche.This can be as simple as a quote from a great article, but be sure to include the link. 

23. Infographic Share an infographic with helpful tips or information for your audience. They tend to rack up more engagement and shares than other images.

24. Time-Saving Tip Share a tip that will help your audience be more efficient and save time. For example, if you own a travel agency, share your best tips on how to quickly navigate airport security.

25. Money-Saving Tip Share a tip that will help your audience save money. For example, if you’re a food blogger, share how you store your vegetables to preserve their freshness longer.

26. Quick Hack Share a super simple hack to a common problem your ideal customer faces. For example, my customers struggle to increase their website traffic in a way that doesn’t consume all their time. 27. Solve a Problem Have you discovered a simple solution to solve a problem you’ve experienced? Chances are your audience has the same problem. Solve their problem and share your solution! ASK A QUESTION

Asking questions is an outstanding way to increase engagement on your social media profiles. In fact, of all the different types of posts I’ve made throughout my career, questions consistently generate the most comments. 28. Take a Poll Test new ideas with your audience by posting a poll. For example, “I’m thinking of creating a new e-book. What topic would you like to learn more about?” Then list 4 or 5 options for your audience to choose from. Facebook has a polling feature you can use when making a status update and Instagram has a polling feature within Stories.

29. Request Feedback If you’re not sure what direction to take with your content creation or product development, ask for feedback! Asking your audience for direct feedback is a great way to gain valuable insight on what improvements to make, and which content, products, or services to create next.

30. Ask for Predictions Ask your followers to share their predictions about a trend within your industry or a current event. For example, “When will Covid End?”

31. This or That In my experience, “this or that” questions generate the most engagement. They are simple to answer and tend to invoke a lot of passion. The key to this or that questions is to keep them simple. You don’t need a long introduction, simply list two items and let the debate unfold. A few examples are: “Tea or coffee?”, “Pepsi or Coke?”, “Salty snack or sweet treat?”

32. Would You Rather… Watch your engagement skyrocket when you present your audience with a “would you rather” question. For example, “Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes for a lifetime?”

33. If You Could… “If you could” questions are a lot of fun and you can get really creative with what you ask. For example, “If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?”

34. What’s Your Favorite…. Everyone loves to weigh in on their favorite things. Get your audience commenting with simple questions like “What’s your favorite restaurant” or “What’s your all-time favorite movie”?

35. Fill in the Blank Fill in the blank questions ask your audience to fill in the blank to a statement you provide. These questions are easy to tailor to your unique business and generate engagement. For example, a Chiropractor could post, “Fill in the blank: my favorite health and wellness magazine is __________.”


Your social media followers want to get to know you on a deeper level. They want a glimpse of your personal life and a taste of your personality. Getting personal works best on Instagram and Facebook. LinkedIn is becoming more personal, but it continues to remain a professional network so be mindful of the type and level of personal information you share. Instead, you could share “personal” information about your company. For example, you could share a fun fact about your company history or a photo of your employees enjoying the annual company picnic.

36. Fun Fact Share a fun fact about you (or your company history) that not everyone knows and allows your audience to get to know you better. Even better if you have a photo to back it up. For example, “check out this hilarious photo of me in college when I tried dancing for a few months.”

37. Hobby or Passion Share a photo or video of you engaging in one of your hobbies or favorite activities. If you’re posting on behalf of a company, share a photo of the employees taking a break or having fun together.

38. Family Time More than likely, your family is the most important part of your life so share that with your audience. Just be mindful not to post any photos that indicate where you live or where you are, such as street signs or the name of your kids’ school.

39. Cute Kids or Pets I dare you to find someone who doesn’t smile at a cute baby photo or laugh at a funny cat video. If you have kids or pets, brighten your followers day with a photo or video of something cute or funny they recently did.

40. Explore Your City If you’re out and about exploring your city, whether it’s in nature or an urban area, share it! Tag your city in the photo to get more reach and followers.

41. Book You’re Reading Let your audience in on what you’re currently reading or learning. Whether it’s a fiction novel, a nonfiction self-help book, an educational resource or online course, your audience wants to know what you’re reading or listening to in your free time. Bonus points if you include key takeaways and a link for your followers to get their own copy.

42. Relaxation Time Not only do your followers want to learn your expert tips and secrets, but they also want to know how and where you unwind after a long day. Not to mention, seeing a photo of you relaxing by a fire or drinking wine in front of the TV inspires your audience to also make time to relax.

43. Bucket List Share something on your bucket list that you would love to do someday! Or, share a photo or video of you achieving a bucket list item.

44. Challenge Share a challenge you’re currently facing in your business or personal life. Sharing your struggles with your audience cultivates trust and builds a deeper connection with your audience. TIMELY TOPICS

Timely topics are more difficult to automate and schedule in advance. You can plan for holidays and recurring annual events, but you can’t plan for significant news events, trending topics, or viral videos.When you plan your social media content, be sure to leave room to post about unforeseen news and events as they occur.

45. Religious Holiday Holidays are easy to plan for, but be mindful of your audience. If the majority of your followers live in the United States, stick with United States holidays. A quick Google search will direct you to resources with the dates of holidays recognized by your country or religion. or Want social Media Calendar? (DM Me on Insta @akjain_official)

The calendar contains daily social media post ideas planned out for you, including holidays and national days that are perfect to celebrate on social media.

46. National Day / Week / Month

For example, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Nurses Week or National Donut Day. No matter your niche, you can find a day to celebrate. Did you know there is a National Personal Chef’s Day, a National Lash Day, and a National Crayon Day? And those don’t even scratch the surface of the completely strange days like National Pirate Day and National Shower with a Friend Day! 47. Special Event Are you hosting or attending a special event? Headed to a big industry conference? Competing in your first-ever 5K race? Make a post about it and tag the location and the event (if possible) to get more engagement and followers!

48. Industry News or Update Share something new that’s happening within your industry. You could share an article or offer your opinion.For example, if you’re in the auto industry you could share your thoughts on the future of electric vehicles.

49. Trending Topic or News Event Is there a major news event everyone is talking about? Share your thoughts on it or share an article with an interesting perspective. Just be mindful not to hitch your wagon to heated political or religious news events that are unrelated to your niche. Luckily, you don’t have to get involved in polarizing topics to take advantage of trending news. Remember the white and gold or blue and black dress debacle? Be creative and take advantage of trending topics and hashtags to grow your audience.

50. Viral Video Jump on YouTube and see what videos are trending. Make sure to include a teaser in your description that entices your audience to watch the video. UPLIFTING

The number one complaint I hear about social media is the massive amount of negativity, arguing, and complaining that occurs. Thankfully, you can choose to be different and be a source of joy for your audience.

51. Inspirational Quote Inspiring quotes tend to get a lot of likes and shares on social media. You can create beautifully styled quotes using a design tool like Canva.com or apps like Textgram.

52. Origin Story Starting a business is no easy task. Motivate and inspire your audience by sharing the story about how you started your business. What or who inspired you to create your business and become an entrepreneur?

53. Share a Win Share a recent win or success in your business or personal life. Did you get exciting news? Did you achieve a certain goal? Did your child receive a special award or win an important sporting event?

54. Overcome an Obstacle Share a recent disappointment or “failure” in your business or personal life and how you overcame it. Just remember to keep the post uplifting and motivational and focus more on perseverance and lessons learned and less on the obstacle.

55. Motivating Mantra Do you have a mantra or affirmations you say to keep you motivated to accomplish your goals? Share them with your audience! If you represent a company, share the company values. My personal mantra is “perseverance, not perfection, is the key to success.” I often share this mantra with my audience to offer a reminder that success takes time and hard work. 56. Helpful Routines Do you have a morning ritual or nightly routine to help you stay energized, focused, healthy or positive? If so, share it with your followers! People are always looking for ideas on how to make small improvements to their lives.

57. Inspiring Person Share a story about someone you admire or find inspiring. This could be someone you know personally or a celebrity you’ve never met. Share how they have impacted your life or talk about the lessons you’ve learned from them. Don’t forget to tag them in the post!

58. Spread Joy A quick scroll through social media is often filled with negative posts and news. Be a source of joy and laughter with a funny meme, joke, or story.

59. Balance Tip Share a helpful tip with your audience on how you manage stress and balance work-life responsibilities.This could be as simple as sharing your favorite time-management app or as detailed as posting a video outlining how you schedule meetings throughout the week. FAVORITE THINGS

No, I’m not suggesting you play Oprah and give away a car to all of your followers. Although that would be pretty great! I’m suggesting you give away your “secrets” to your audience and share your favorite things related to your niche.

60. Favorite Book What’s your favorite book related to your niche? Include the link for your audience to access or buy it and include a few takeaways or lessons you learned.

61. Favorite Podcast What’s your favorite podcast related to your niche?Share what you love about the host or the episodes and include the link for your audience to listen to it.

62. Favorite YouTube Channel What’s your favorite YouTube channel related to your niche? Talk about the value provided by the channel and include a link for your audience to access and subscribe to the channel. 

63. Favorite Online Course What’s your favorite online course related to your niche? Share what you love most about the course and why it’s better than other courses available.  This post could also generate some side cash if you’re an affiliate for the course. 

64. Favorite Tool or Resource Is there a tool or resource you can’t live without to do your job or run your business? Share it with your audience.Don’t forget to check if you can earn some affiliate cash by sharing that tool.

65. Favorite Product or Service Share a product or service you love and your audience will benefit from. Keep in mind, this is not your own product or service.That comes later, so keep reading.

66. Favorite Influencer Who inspires and motivates you? Who is your go-to source for information? Chances are your audience will love them as well. Share what you like about them and why your audience should follow them. Be sure to tag the influencer in the post.

67. Favorite Guilty Pleasure Share something that you enjoy doing that could be seen as indulgent or unhealthy.  For example, savoring a glass of wine when you cook dinner, lounging in the bath while your spouse handles the bedtime routine, or watching the Bachelor when you should be working.  DAILY HASHTAGS

Hashtags got their start on Twitter and have since expanded to all social media networks. If used properly, hashtags are an incredible way to get more exposure for your posts and grow your following. The daily hashtags listed below are extremely popular. Not only will they help you grow your audience, but they’ll spark new content ideas.

PRO TIP: Make sure you use daily hashtags on the appropriate day. Don’t use #MotivationalMonday on a post published on a Tuesday. 

This is particularly important to pay attention to if you schedule your posts far in advance.

68. #SundayFunday How are you spending your Sunday? Share it on social media and use #SundayFunday somewhere in your status update.

69. #MotivationMonday Share a motivational quote, story, or video and use the #MotivationMonday hashtag in your update. 70. #TuesdayVibes The great thing about this hashtag is you can apply it to virtually anything you post on a Tuesday.  Are you working out at the gym, snuggling your dog, or getting caught up with your laundry? Take a photo and share it with #TuesdayVibes in the post.

71. #WednesdayWisdom Share a little wisdom or sage advice with your audience using #WednesdayWisdom. You can share a quote, a story, or even a funny anecdote that provides some light-hearted wisdom.

72. #TBT – Throwback Thursday Throwback Thursday is one of the oldest and most widely used daily hashtags. Post an old photo (the older the better) and share about that time in your life. If other people are in the photo be sure to tag them!

73. #FridayNight Friday night is for fun! But it’s also for kicking back and relaxing. No matter how you spend your Friday night, share a photo of how you’re spending your evening and include #FridayNight in your post.

74. #SaturdayMorning Give your audience a glimpse at how you’re spending your Saturday morning. Share a photo or video and include #SaturdayMorning in your post. SHARE THE LOVE

Many businesses fill their social media feeds with posts about their products and services. It’s easy to become consumed with the “me, me, me” mentality and think that every post has to be about you or your business. Unfortunately, that’s not the way to build an engaged audience and grow your business on social media. While some promotional posts are good, you need to create content that benefits your ideal customer and promotes others.

75. Share Gratitude Do you have an awesome customer, social media follower, or employee? Give them a shout out and share why you’re grateful or them.

76. Fan Photo Take a look at your fans and their social profiles. You’ll be amazed at the wonderful content they share. Find a gorgeous, funny, or inspiring photo and share it with your audience. Just be sure to give them credit and tag them in the photo.

77. Cause You Support Do you have a favorite charity or cause you support? Share it with your audience and tell a story about why that cause is important to you. Invite your followers to join you in supporting the cause and tag the charity in the post.

78. Interview a Customer Feature a customer by sharing a video interview of how and why they became a customer. If they own a business be sure to feature their business and tag them in the post.

79. Interview an Expert Interview an expert or influencer in your niche and share the video as a post. To drive traffic from the post, create a short teaser video clip that links to your website or YouTube channel where your audience can watch the full video. Also, remember to tag the expert in the post.

80. Allow a Takeover Allow a customer, industry peer, employee, or influencer in your niche to take over your social media account for a period of time and make posts on your behalf. This is a great way to expose the person to your audience and, if you’re lucky, they will ask you to do a takeover on their account, exposing you to their audience as well.

81. @Mention a Follower Do you have a follower who engages regularly with your content? Give them a shout out using an @mention and thank them. They will feel so special and be grateful for the social media attention.

82. @Mention an Influencer Is there an influencer in your niche that you’d like to develop a relationship with? @mention them in a post and share something you’ve learned from them or promote one of their products or services. @mentions on social media are a great way to get the attention of someone you wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach.

83. Thank Your Followers A simple thank you goes a long way. Don’t forget to thank you audience from time-to-time and share your genuine appreciation. PROMOTE YOURSELF

It’s important to promote your business on social media, but you don’t want your entire feed filled with promotional content. That’s the quickest way to get unfollowed. Most experts recommend following the 80/20 rule. Meaning, only 20% of your social media posts are promoting your own content, products or services. Notice how I placed this section at the end and it comprises nearly 20% of the 100 social media post ideas? There’s a method to my madness!

84. New Content Share your latest blog post, podcast, or video. Give your audience a teaser of what they’ll learn or what problem you’re solving in the post. If you don’t create content then share a new product!

85. Repurpose Old Content Dust off an old blog post and update the images and headline – then share it with your audience.

86. Share Popular Content Take a look at the analytics from your website and social channels to identify your most popular content. Then, share it again. Chances are a large percent of your followers have never seen it.

87. Free Download or Resource List building is so important so share a worksheet, checklist, cheat sheet or other printable your audience can download for free from your website in exchange for their email address. Drive traffic to your website and watch the subscribers pour in!

88. New Product or Service Share one of your products or services. Tell a story about how it solves a problem, saves time, or saves money for your ideal customer. Don’t forget to include a link to a conversion-optimized landing page where your followers can purchase the product or service.

89. Popular Product or Service Tell a story about your top-selling product or service. What makes it so great? What are customers saying about it?

90. Share a Testimonial / Case Study Share a quote, case study or video from a satisfied customer. This helps build your credibility and gives your audience social proof to what you’re trying to sell.

91. Promote Your Newsletter Let your audience know what special information or goodies your newsletter subscribers get and encourage your audience to subscribe.

92. Promote Your Other Social Profiles Do you have other social media channels where you’re sharing different content – such as Pinterest or YouTube or TikTok If that’s the case, let your audience know what new gems they’ll discover by connecting with you on your other channels.

93. Run a Contest / Giveaway Encourage your audience to share your content with others or create a specific post on social media.

94. Promote a Sale If you’re running a sale make sure to promote it on social media. You don’t need an excuse to run sales, but it can help to run them around holidays. Think outside the box and beyond the obvious holidays like Black Friday. You can run a sale simply because it’s National Hugging Day.

95. Follower-Only Flash Sale Run a 1-day flash sale ONLY for your social media followers. This rewards your followers and gives them a great incentive to keep following you and engaging with your content.

96. Promote a Launch Are you launching a new product or service? Don’t forget to promote it. Plus, promotional posts can be much more frequent when you’re in the middle of a launch so this post idea actually counts as multiple posts. Just remember to provide lots of non-promotional value before and after a launch to avoid burning out your audience.

97. Competitive Advantage What makes you or your business better than your competitors? Share your competitive advantage and why you think someone should choose you over your competitors.

98. Celebrate a Milestone Is it your 1-year business anniversary? Have you served 1,000 customers? Did you hit 10,000 followers?Whatever milestone you’ve hit, celebrate it on social media and share it with your audience.

99. Feature Your Team If you have employees who help make your business great, share them with the world! Profile an employee or member of your team and share why they add value to your business and to your customers’ lives. If you don’t have employees yet, but you’re looking to grow, share a job opening.

100. Reintroduce Yourself As your audience grows on social media, it’s important to occasionally reintroduce yourself and your business.Share your core values, your strengths, and how you help others or offer up some fun facts to help your audience get to know you or your business bett

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